MacMakeup dates back to Windows 2000 era and was later updated to work on Windows XP. That was a lot of time ago. It existed in several flavors and was used in several contexts, from teaching to law enforcement. This was my first public software that created me some problems, other than giving me some satisfaction.

I removed the software from my site because it was marked as a "virus" but a lot of people continued to ask me if an updated version was available.
Well, finally it is :-)

Back to the basics. Why should I spoof my address?

I'm assuming you know what a MAC address is. If not, Wikipedia may give you a hint.
In the time I talked with people who found very funny and unexpected uses for MacMakeup, hence in the MAC alteration process itself. If you are among them and want to share your idea, just write me.
MAC addresses are a mean to have your device globally unique. I mean on a planetary scale. No two MAC addresses should be the same. So in the time this address was used to uniquely identify your device for licensing or security purposes.


This is a simplified version compared to the original one, but the basic task are accomplished in the same way. The interface is pretty simple:

To spoof your MAC address you just need to:
1. Select your network interface
2. Type the new MAC address into the box
3. Click "Spoof"
Done! You just need to disable and enable the interface again.

If the MAC is already spoofed on an interface you can use the "Reset to original" button to go back to your original one.

Command line (scripted) usage

Since versions 2.2.x you can use MacMakeup from the command line. You can automate tasks like having a new MAC at each boot, or switch from one MAC to the other in a click or following events. For example the Windows scheduler allows you to execute script based on a lot of events.
When using scripting the GUI interface does not show up if not for critical errors, any output will be directed to a macmakeup.txt file created in the same directory the executable resides. So you must have permission to write to that directory (do not put it in Windows32!).
You just start MacMakeup with some command line arguments. Valid ones are: Always look at the contents of macmakeup.txt as it will contain errors (if any) and the new MAC address when (partially) generated.

OUI management

Starting from 2.1.x the distribution zip contains an oui.txt file. The file is a stripped version of the one you can download here. This file is a sort of database that maps the first 24 bits of the MAC address to a manufacturer. For example if you see a MAC starting with 00A03F you can assume it is from a device that was made by Apple. This if there were no spoofed MAC addresses of course.
Loading (and working) with the OUI database is not mandatory and can slow down the program, so load them if needed by pressing "Load OUIs".
With the database loaded you can just select a manufacturer from the list and a new MAC address from that vendor will be proposed in the MAC address box. Also if you select and interface witha spoofed MAC, the presumed vendor will be displayed in the information area.
You can type part of the name of the desired vendor in the box to filter the database.
If you do not need all of the (about) 30000 manufacturers, you can reduce the file to the bunch you use most, just delete the lines you don't need. Keep in mind that only the lines containing "base 16" are needed. You can easily update the file running:
curl -o - | grep "base 16" > oui.txt
If you only need to spoof VMWare addresses you can modify the above command as:
curl -o - | grep "base 16" | grep VMWare > oui.txt
You got the picture. Remember, the smaller the file, the faster the loading.
Starting from 2.2 the list was further reduced to 12k elements, so if you need the complete one just use the instructions above.


You can launch the application with non administrator rights: in this case you can check the status of the interfaces and see which ones are have spoofed MAC.
To change a MAC address you need to start the application with administrative rights. Those rights are also needed to disable and then enable the interface.


This application runs on Windows platforms having the .NET framework 3.5 installed. It was tested on Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 2008, Windows 2012 and Windows 2016. If you tested one platform, drop me a note.

License and disclaimer

This software is completely free, use it at your will. If you include it in some project or publish it on your web site just drop me a note.
There is no warranty the program will work on your computer, and no assurance it will not create a black hole or some other fancy disaster. Use it at your own risk.
Of course do not use it to do anything evil.

Version history added OUI support added command line switches to automate spoofing minor bug fix

Download section

Version, 2019-05-31, download it here, SHA256 is 6568052d8eb651767cc922c916d6ee06c52bf7907f83978181451c3926f33029.

Also thanks to...

Tim from Majorgeeks, that is serving backup copies of MacMakeup since the first releases.
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